unsure about what you want
These moments of uncertainty signal a time in our lives when the old ways of doing things are not working and a new way is starting to emerge.
from life and how to initiate change?
When you are sitting quietly, do you sometimes find yourself feeling lost and disconnected,
"A journey that is very much your own."
On the Path
Though it may feel like you have lost your way, this time marks the beginning of a journey that is very much your own.
At such times, these challenges present themselves as guideposts to opportunities for finding a different path.
Stones on the Path
Depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and mental health crises may all manifest as means of focusing our attention on the need for change.
"Loss can be the beginning of finding our way."
Grief and Loss
Life transitions, as well as times of grief and loss, can be viewed as opportunities to deepen our understanding of love and life. When a beloved human or animal companion no longer walks at our side, or our lives are changed in the course of events beyond our control, it is difficult to find hope, faith and gratitude. Yet these emotional and mental aspects of well-being may assist us in answering the existential questions of loss, identity, purpose, and meaning.
Perhaps one’s inner call to counseling is best described by the well-known author Wendell Berry, who said:
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work.
And that when we no longer know
which way to go we have come to our real journey.”